Our Story
The Ho Brothers are second-generation jewelers from a large family of well-respected jewelers originating from Hong Kong. In the 1980s, the Ho family immigrated to the United States, setting up several independent trade shops on Chicago's Jewelers Row, including Tommy Ho Jewelers, Howard Ho Jewelers, and Heng's Diamond Setters. Growing up in the industry, the Ho Brothers learned all the technical facets of the jewelry trade. As children, they balanced homework with apprenticing family members, mastering the art of traditional jewelry making.
Innovation and Growth
Witnessing the disorganized and outdated methods prevalent in the business, the Ho Brothers recognized the need for a more systematic and scalable approach. Their journey into CAD design and 3D printing began with the intention of servicing family trade shops. However, after several outside jewelry companies requested their CAD and model-making services, they saw the potential to scale custom manufacturing services for retail jewelers. This led to the development of CustomHub, our proprietary platform that streamlines and manages all custom jewelry projects. CustomHub empowers retailers with tools for job management, order tracking, communication, ordering, approval, accessing historical data, and more.
Today, Ho Brothers has expanded their team to keep up with growing demand, developing specialized manufacturing systems to ensure ease, consistency, and high-quality output. With a strong focus on systems, ease, and consistency, we optimize every part of the life cycle of a custom job, executing faster, more accurately, and creating more value for our retail partners. Our client base has grown to over 400 retailers across the United States, primarily through word of mouth.
In 2019, Ho Brothers Asia Limited was formed in Hong Kong to expand capabilities and support our growing operations. We operate on core values of constant learning, being solutions-driven, accountability, and teamwork. Combining rich technical expertise with a straightforward and scalable business approach, we proudly serve our retail partners, maintaining our traditional foundation of trust, reputation, and quality.

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